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Expository Essay Topics 8Th Grade
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Result of US
Consequence of US Presentation The United States has had a significant relationship with nations of Latin America. Latin America has truly been the US’s lawn undoubtedly (Cottam 4).Advertising We will compose a custom coursework test on Result of US-Venezuela Relations explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Given its decent variety and dynamic governmental issues, different US organizations since Kennedy have concentrated on various issues including military activities to accomplish foreordained political and social aspirations, opiates control, compassionate mediations and monetary guide to Latin America. Sullivan fortifies Cottam’s recommendation that that US strategy worries in Latin America primarily focus on US financing for majority rules system ventures, oil issues, human rights concerns, counter-opiates and worries about Venezuela’s association in Latin American governmental issues (3). US strategy pictures on Venezuela Relations A sharp onlooker can withou t much of a stretch note that Venezuela includes in all the above approach issues. Hugo Chavez has driven the nation since 1998 safe for a concise period in 2002 when he was toppled through well known fights and weight from the military. Given his situation as pioneer of the nation, his position on US strategies and his quest for populist arrangements in the nation and somewhere else in Latin America, Chavez stays a key figure to progress or disappointment of US approaches in Venezuela. In spite of close relations among US and Venezuela, there has been grinding among him and different US organizations. During each one of those occasions, US outside authorities have been cautious on their wording on Venezuela particularly worrying on the requirement for Chavez to suit a portion of the opposition’s complaints and Chavez’s adherence to popularity based standards. Note that the US’s approach in Venezuela is predominantly planned for guaranteeing a proceeded with con sistent gracefully of oil to the US at a sensible and stable price.Advertising Looking for coursework on worldwide relations? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More According to Clemente, a few researchers on US’s Latin American approach presume that US international strategy authorities see Latin American individuals including Venezuela as volatile, juvenile and unequipped for self administration (60). There is hesitance or plain absence of exertion with respect to US authorities to attempt to get familiar with the specific needs of individuals of Venezuela. Clemente further attests that numerous on occasion, US authorities will attribute negative good qualities to Latin American pioneers like Chavez when these pioneers contradict strategies fronted by the US in South America (60). The above view by US authorities energizes the picture of substandard individuals in Venezuela, who need to buy in to unrivaled and apparently â€Å"correct†US bearing in the locale. This maybe educated the Bush administration’s backing of the overthrow in Venezuela and backing for rivals of Chavez in the guise of advancing majority rule government. Suggestions The consequence of the above methodology has been detailing of a by one way or another defective US strategy on Venezuela that is normal for inconsistent balance and absence of shared trust. It is reasonable for infer that the above picture on Venezuela by the US is somewhat confused. Thusly, its strategy on the nation is additionally liable to be mistake inclined which may not be useful in the long haul to US interests in the nation. The above picture by US authorities has consistently been an affection for intercession in Venezuela (Domingue and Fernandez de Castro 1). As noted before, the US has mediated in Venezuela through help of hostile to Chavez bunches that evidently advance popular government. The methodology dependent on the above picture h as so far evoked undesirable responses from Venezuela whose pioneer has set out on a political counter hostile in Latin America to counter US strategies. Given the fruitful filling of hostile to US conclusion in Latin America by Venezuela, all things considered, US strategy in the area will keep on meeting obstruction on different quarters. There is requirement for a move in the considering US strategy producers concerning the area. Kept putting together of the arrangements with respect to the above pictures will probably fuel a more interventionist-situated US approach in South America which is probably going to prompt more backlash.Advertising We will compose a custom coursework test on Result of US-Venezuela Relations explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Clement, Christopher. â€Å"Latin American Perspectives: Venezuelan Exceptionalism Revisited†. New Perspectives on Politics and Society. 32. 3 (2005): 60-78. Cottam, Martha. Pictures and Intervention: U.S . Arrangements in Latin America, Pittsburgh: Pittsburgh Press, 1994. Print. Domingue, Jorge, and Fernandez de Castro, Rafael. Contemporary U.S.- Latin American Relations: Cooperation or Conflict in the 21st Century, New York: Taylor and Francis, 2010. Print. Sullivan, Mark. Venezuela: Political Conditions and U.S. Strategy, Washington: US Congress, 2005. Print.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
Faculty in the News The Fight for Iran COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
Faculty in the News The Fight for Iran COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog In an interview with CNNs Christiane Amanpour, Professor Gary Sick said “As the regime has cracked down harder and harder, they’re getting better at it. Repression does work. And they are now much more organized in terms of keeping things quiet and keeping the opposition down than they were before. Click here to view the CNN video. Professor Sick served on the National Security Council under Presidents Ford, Carter, and Reagan. He was the principal White House aide for Iran during the Iranian Revolution and the hostage crisis.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Adult Relationships And Same Sex Marriage - 897 Words
It is unclear what percentages of adult relationships are polyamorous in America, as there is limited research with this population. However, it is evident that many Americans find this alternative to monogamy beneficial. When compared to monogamous individuals, polyamorous individuals experience greater levels of intimacy in their relationships (Morrison, Beaulieu, Brockman, Beaglaoich, 2013). Per the research, polyamory is potentially a fulfilling alternative to traditional monogamous relationships for those who choose polyamory in place of monogamy. Historically, there is limited evidence for cultures that that relied on same sex marriage as a primary relationship structure. However, currently there is growing cultural acceptance of same sex marriage and gay-affirming communities in which same sex relationships and same sex marriages experience support (Baunach, 2012). According to the 2010 United States Census, same sex households ¬Ã‚ ¬Ã¢â‚¬â€œalso called unmarried same sex partner households–grew by 80.4% between the 2000 and 2010 US Census. One June 26th of 2015, the American Supreme Court ruled that banning same-sex marriage in any U.S. state was unconstitutional (Pew Research, 2015). This new occurrence will offer an opportunity for more research regarding same-sex marriage culture. In addition to this, attitudes regarding same sex relationship have changed. Between 1988 and 2010, research shows that attitudes toward same sex marriage demonstrate a culturalShow MoreRelatedSame Sex Marriage Essay1370 Words  | 6 PagesWhat are others doing? Canada is not the first country in the world to address whether and how to legally recognize same-sex unions. Indeed, Canada is coming to the debate later than many countries. Several countries have debated this issue for many years and have come up with a variety of approaches, ranging from same-sex marriage in the Netherlands to the legal recognition of domestic partners, registered partnerships and civil unions in Scandinavia, parts of Europe and parts of the United StatesRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Gay Marriage1367 Words  | 6 Pagesdefinitions of marriage. Some say the definition of marriage is between a man and a women, while others say its about two people no matter the sex that commit their lives together because they love each other. There are many different definitions of marriage and it all depends on simply whom you are talking to about it. In past generations many people thought the definition of marriage was just so that they can reproduce children. Debate Content: Cons: The institution of marriage has traditionallyRead More Same Sex Marriages Should be Legal Essay824 Words  | 4 PagesSame Sex Marriages Should be Legal  Flowers, candles, and music are all part of a wedding. As the organist plays Here Comes the Bride, I notice this is where the similarities end. The bride, who is a woman, is marrying a groom, who is also a woman. Single-sex marriages are only allowed in a few states. However, single-sex marriages should become legal so that couples could enjoy the advantages of marriage. Legalizing single-sex marriage would create more family units and create more toleranceRead MoreTaking a Look at Same-Sex Marriage938 Words  | 4 PagesSame-sex marriage is against the law and against the moral standards of the religious society. In this paper I will sympathize with the homosexual community in order to improve their views on marriage. First amendment of the Constitution protects and makes homosexuality legal. Marriage is also legal. Marriage laws and the rights that fall under marriage are defined and upheld by the states. Should same-sex marriage remain illegal? Homosexuals believe rights guaran teed to married heterosexual couplesRead MoreOppression of a Sexual Minority in the US1421 Words  | 6 Pageshappy long-term relationship with them. This person is the entire world to you, but although it is wanted by both partners, there can be no legal marriage. Because it is illegal to marry someone of the same gender. The United States of America were founded on the belief that everyone is equal and should be free to pursue happiness, yet there is oppression of a sexual minority that needs to end. Although there are many different people with many different reasons opposing same-sex marriage, such as religiousRead Moreno to same-sex marriage!894 Words  | 4 Pageseverything builds up. I Corinthians 10:23 Against Same Sex Marriage - The Six Point Case Each of these six points against same sex marriage will be explained in detail in the following articles. Click on each link for more explanation. Natural marriage is the foundation of a civilized society. Homosexual behavior is inherently destructive. The law is a great teacher, and it encourages or discourages behavior. Government-backed same-sex marriage would encourage and normalize homosexual behaviorRead More Same-Sex Marriage Essays1127 Words  | 5 PagesSame-Sex Marriage The United States is known world wide for its civil rights and freedoms. Many Americans are appalled by the idea of same-sex marriages. What?s wrong with the idea of two people who care greatly for one another wanting to spend their lives together? The gay community is misunderstood because many straights are not willing to listen. These individuals would rather just be closed-minded in this situation and reticent to really think about what this means to the gay community andRead MoreHow Legal Constraints Affect Marriage And Family Formations1714 Words  | 7 PagesConstraints Effect Marriage and Family Formations in Lesbian and Homosexual Couples Anna Gonzales The University of North Florida Word Count: 4364 â€Å"I Would Rather Have a Traditional Wedding†: How Legal Constraints Effect Marriage and Family Formations in Lesbian and Homosexual Couples ABSTRACT Lesbian and homosexual couples, in many ways, have the same familial goals and expectations as heterosexual couples. The question is how they experience and navigate marriage and family formationsRead MoreThe Moral Argument Of Sexual Morality1032 Words  | 5 PagesThe definition of marriage elicits a wide variety of connotations, which make it difficult to define what types of marriages should be recognized in the legal context. In this paper, I will discuss the moral argument of sexual morality in relation to marriage rights. Specifically, the collective right of polyamorous relationships to be recognized under the notion of the â€Å"fundamental right to marry,†as addressed by William Baude, in the New York Times. Although there are objections in relation toRead MoreMental Health And The Lgbt Community1665 Words  | 7 Pagesof LGBT individuals can affect mental health. Not only are there various laws that deny same sex marriage but according to there are government benefits that favor the traditional family over a non-traditional. Due to discrimination lesbians and bisexuals are more likely to be at risk for mental disorders compared to heterosexuals (Cochran and Mays 2003). Mental health issues are not only seen in the adult LGBT community but in the youth LGBT. Studies suggest that mental health disparities can
Monday, May 11, 2020
American Culture And The Influence Of Music - 1397 Words
American Culture and the Influence of Music â€Å"There s something missing in the music industry today... and it s music. Songs you hear don t last, it s just product fed to you by the industry.†– Jimmy Buffet. These words by Buffet highlight the drastic changes in music culture over the years. The mainstream music today is brief. Modern songs are composed to be hits at the moment and forgotten later, which results in ephemeral products that stay in the annals of music history. The popular genres’ quality steadily deteriorates. Originally, music was melodic, less strident, personal, and concocted by people who really loved and were passionate towards it. They resound and have musical offspring, unlike today’s superficial and meaningless music. Certainly, there are modern artists with good track records who enjoy talent and fame for their repercussion in society. However, it is clear how the worldliness that now typifies the pop culture, interferes with art. This is due to the audience’s acc eptance of music containing lyrics that encourages all kinds of indecorous behavior. Although, Beyoncà © is known for being the third most honored women in Grammy Award history and a global symbol of female empowerment, her song â€Å"Partition†should be avoided because it lacks emotion, encourages teen pregnancy, and has lyrics crowded with unintelligible pop-culture references. The first reason to avoid Beyoncà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s song â€Å"Partition†is the lack of emotion. The music, like any art form, is aShow MoreRelatedCarlos Augusto Alves Santana s Influence On American Rock And Roll Artist And The Music Of His Culture1491 Words  | 6 Pages1947 in Autlan de Navorro, Mexico to Josefina Barragan de Santana and Jose Santana. Growing up he was influenced by American Rock and Roll artist and the music of his culture. 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But over time, they have influenced us beyond belief. One of the main things they influenced was music. So I am here to explain to you how the African American culture has done just that! For centuries, the color blue has been associated with sadness. By the mid- nineteenth century the expression â€Å"the blues,†was commonly known in this way. Throughout history, the blues was a regular feeling that African Americans experiencedRead MoreJazz And Jazz Culture1273 Words  | 6 PagesWhat is culture? What is African culture? What is Jazz music and where did it come from? How can one culture, in a sense, impact the musical landscape of the whole Western world and eventually assimilate into ‘pop’ culture? If we want to truly understand jazz and it’s concepts, we have to navigate through history and explore it’s roots. Simply put, jazz is African American music, and the genre, as we know, formed in New Orleans. However, the origins of jazz started well before then, in Africa. TheRead MoreThe Effects of The Beatles Legacy1271 Words  | 5 Pagesand the Korean war, and now facing the rising tide of communism. Americans were missing that little bit of excitement in their lives and people were very inhibited. They needed an outlet to let their suppressed feelings out. Then came four lads from England that would soon shock the world, who called themselves the Beatles. The Beatles in the 1960’s positively impacted America by changing the music industry and American youth culture, so that young people became more politically involved, freethinkingRead MoreThe Impact Of Hip Hop Music On America1491 Words  | 6 Pages As furthest back that we can recall, there was Africa. It is from Africa that all of today’s Black American music whether it be Jazz, Rhythm and Blues Soul or Electro music etc., is either indirectly or directly descended from all African culture a nd tradition. 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It has helped shape the pop culture into what it is today. What is popular culture? The ideas, activities or products, which are popular among the general mass. In today’s pop culture, one subject that is at the top of the list is hip-hop/rap. Hip-Hop music highlights verses consisting of slang and catchy phrases, which someRead MoreRap Music : Influence On Violent Behavior1379 Words  | 6 PagesRAP MUSIC’S INFLUENCE ON VIOLENT BEHAVIOR IN AFRICAN AMERICAN MALES: A REVIEW Kaland Farrow Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University RAP MUSIC’S INFLUENCE ON VIOLENT BEHAVIOR IN AFRICAN AMERICAN MALES: A REVIEW Rap music is derived from Hip Hop culture which is deeply rooted in the African American community. The word, rap, has a Middle English origin. Originally, rap means to beat or strike. Beginning in the 1960s, African Americans gave the word another definition. In the black communityRead MoreSomething for Nothing: The Art of Rap1032 Words  | 5 PagesThe influence of Hip-Hop has never been as great as it is in this day and age. Often dismissed by a majority of America as simply a fad, hip hop has become a global phenomenon and has arguably been the most popular form of music for the past three decades. Hip-Hop has influenced art, language, fashion, culture, and sports. This music has been used to teach elementary level children, it has been taught in undergraduate universities and serves as a bridge for hundreds of philanthropies. The influence
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Night World Spellbinder Chapter 8 Free Essays
A sharp, acrid odor assaulted her nostrils. She had to blink away tears as she held the bottle over the fire and very carefully tipped it. One drop, two drops, three. We will write a custom essay sample on Night World : Spellbinder Chapter 8 or any similar topic only for you Order Now The fire flared, burning blue. It was ready. The balefire that was the only way to get a spirit from the other side-apart from crossing the veil and fetching it back yourself. Thea took Phoebe’s amulet in both hands and snapped it, cracking the clay and breaking the seal. Then, holding the broken amulet over the fire, she said the words of power she’d heard the elders speaking last Samhain. â€Å"May I be given the Power of the Words of Hecate.†Instantly, she found words coming to her, rolling off her tongue. She heard them as if it were somebody else talking. From beyond the veil†¦ I call you back! Through the mist of years†¦ I call you back! From the airy void†¦ I call you back! Through the narrow path†¦ I call you back! To the heart of the flame†¦ I call you back! Come speedily, conveniently, and without delay! She felt a rumbling vibration like an earthquake rock the floor. Above the ordinary fire different flames seemed to burn; cold, ghostly flames that were pale blue and violet and rose to lick at her knuckles. She started to open her hands, to let the amulet fall into the magical flame. But just as she was about to do it, there was a bang. The door to her bedroom swung open, and for the second time in twelve hours she found herself horrified to see Blaise. â€Å"The whole place is shaking-what are you doing?†â€Å"Blaise-just stay back!†Blaise stared. Her jaw dropped and she lunged forward. â€Å"What are you doing?†â€Å"It’s almost finished-â€Å" â€Å"You’re crazy!†Blaise grabbed at the amulet in Thea’s hands, and then, when Thea snatched her hands back, at the silver box. â€Å"Leave it alone!†Thea grabbed the other side of the box. They were struggling with it, each trying to pull it from the other. Fire scorched Thea’s hands. â€Å"Let go!†Blaise shouted, trying to twist the box away. â€Å"I’m warning you-â€Å" Thea’s fingers were damp with sweat. The box slipped. That was when it happened. The silver box flipped in Blaise’s hands, sending a spray of amulets everywhere. Locks of gray hair, black hair, red hair, all flying. Most of them hit the floor-but one landed directly in the balefire. Thea heard a crack as the clay seal broke. For one second she was frozen, then she plunged her hand into the fire. But the clay was already burning-not red hot, but white hot. She couldn’t close her fingers around it. For just an instant she seemed to see a symbol etched in blue flames, and then a flash like sheet lightning exploded from the fire. It knocked her into Blaise’s bed and Blaise into the wall. The lightning formed a column and something shot out. Thea didn’t so much see it as sense it. A wraith shape that tore around the room like a blast of arctic wind. It sent books and articles of clothing flying. When it reached the window, it seemed to pause for an instant, as if gathering itself, and then it shot through as if the glass didn’t exist. It was gone. â€Å"Great Mother of life,†Blaise whispered from against the wall. She was staring at the window with huge luminous eyes-and she was scared. Blaise was scared. That was when Thea realized how bad things were. â€Å"What have we done?†she whispered. â€Å"What have we done-what have you done, that’s the question,†Blaise snapped, sitting up and looking more like her ordinary self. â€Å"What was that thing?†Defensively, Thea gestured at the scattered amulets. â€Å"What do you think? A witch.†, â€Å"But who?†â€Å"How should I know?†Thea almost yelled, fear giving way to anger. â€Å"This is the one I was going to call back.†She snatched up the â€Å"auburn hair and cracked amulet of Phoebe Garner. â€Å"That one was just whichever one fell out when you grabbed the box.†â€Å"Don’t try to make this my fault. You’re the one doing forbidden spells. You’re the one summoning ancestors. And whatever happens with that one†- Blaise pointed at the window-â€Å"you’re the one responsible.†She got up and shook out her hair, standing tall. â€Å"And that’s what you get for trying to sic the spirits on me!†She turned and stalked out the door. â€Å"I wasn’t trying to sic the spirits on you!†Thea shouted-but the door had already slammed shut. Thea’s anger collapsed. Feeling numb, she looked at the overturned silver box, where she had temporarily stored the tissue with Eric’s blood. I was just trying to find a protector for him. Somebody who’d help him fend off your spells, who’d understand that he’s a person even though he’s a human. She looked forlornly around the room. Then, feeling older than Gran, she struggled to her feet and started mechanically cleaning up the mess. When she dumped the ashes out of the bowl she found some sort of residue sticking to the bottom. She couldn’t wash it off and she couldn’t pry it off with a steak knife. She stashed the entire bowl under her bed. All the while she cleaned, her mind kept churning. Who got out? No way to know. Process of elimination wouldn’t help, not with all those unmarked amulets. What to do now? She didn’t know that either. If I tell anyone-even Gran-they’ll want to know why I was trying to summon the dead. But if they find out the truth, it means death for me and Eric. Around sunset, a limousine pulled up in the back alley. Thea saw it from her window and rushed downstairs in alarm. Grandma was being helped out of the car by two politely expressionless vampires. Servants of Thierry’s. â€Å"Gran, what happened?†â€Å"Nothing happened. I had a little weak spell, that’s all!†She whacked at one of the vampires with her cane. â€Å"I can help myself, son!†â€Å"Ma’am,†said the vampire-who might have been three or four times Grandma’s age. To Thea, he said, â€Å"Your grandmother fainted-she was pretty sick there for a while.†â€Å"And that good-for-nothing apprentice of mine never showed up,†Gran said, making her way to the back door. Thea nodded good-bye to the vampires. â€Å"Gran-it was my fault about Tobias. I let him have the day off.†Her stomach, which had been clenched like a fist all day, seemed to draw even tighter now. â€Å"Are you really sick?†â€Å"I’m good for a few years yet.†She began laboriously working her way up the stairs. â€Å"Vampires just don’t understand old age.†â€Å"What did you go there for?†Gran stopped to cough. â€Å"None of your business, but I had to settle some arrangements with Thierry. He’s agreed to let the Inner Circle use his land on Samhain.†Upstairs, Thea made some herb tea in the tiny kitchenette. And then, when Gran was in bed with the tea, she gathered her courage. â€Å"Gran, when the elders call up the spirits on Samhain-how do they send them back?†â€Å"Why should you want to know?†Gran said crossly. But when Thea just looked at her, she went on. â€Å"There are certain spells that are used for summoning-and don’t you ask me what they are-and you say those backwards to send them back. The witch who calls a spirit has to be the one to dismiss it.†So only I can do it. â€Å"And that’s all?†Thea asked. â€Å"Oh, of course not. It’s a long process of kindling the fire and strewing the herbs-but if you do it all right, you can draw the spirit down from between the standing stones and send it back where it came from.†Grandma went on muttering, but Thea had snagged on a earlier phrase. â€Å"From between-the standing stones†¦ ?†she got out. â€Å"The standing stones that encircle the spirits. Well, think, Thea! If you didn’t have a circle of some kind to hold them in, they’d just-voom.†Gran made a gesture. â€Å"They’d zip out and how would you ever find them again? That’s why I went to Thierry today/’ she added, taking a noisy sip of tea. â€Å"We need a place where the sandstone forms a natural circle†¦ and naturally it’s up to me to arrange everything†¦.†She went on grumbling softly. Thea felt faint. â€Å"You have to be-physically close to them-to send them back?†â€Å"Of course. You have to be within spitting distance, And don’t think I don’t know why you’re asking.†Thea stopped breathing. â€Å"You’re planning something for Samhain- and it’s probably all Blaise’s idea. You two are like Maya and Hellewise. But you can forget about it right now- those spells are for the elders, not for girls.†She stopped to cough. â€Å"I don’t understand why you want to be crones before you’re done being maidens. You ought to enjoy your youth while you have it†¦.†Thea left her still grumbling. She hadn’t cast any kind of a circle before calling the spirit. She hadn’t realized she was supposed to. And now†¦ how could she ever get close enough to the spirit to send it back? Well-it’ll just have to stay out in the world, she told herself bravely. Too bad†¦ but it’s not as if there aren’t other spirits floating around out there. Maybe if it doesn’t like roaming around, it’ll come back. But she was sick with guilt and disheartened. Not to mention worried-if only a little-about Gran’s fainting spell. Blaise didn’t come to bed. She stayed downstairs and worked on her necklace long into the night. On Monday, everyone at school was talking about Randy Marik and the ruined dance. The girls were annoyed about it and furious with Blaise; the boys were annoyed and furious with Randy. â€Å"Are you okay?†Dani asked Thea after world lit class. â€Å"You look kind of pale.†Thea smiled wanly. â€Å"It was a busy weekend.†â€Å"Really? Did you do something with Eric?†The way she said â€Å"do something†alerted Thea. Dani’s heart-shaped face looked as sweet and concerned as ever†¦ but Thea couldn’t trust even her. She was a Night Person, a witch, a human-hater. It didn’t matter. Thea was so edgy that the words just seemed to burst out. â€Å"Do something like what? Smash his car? Turn him into a toad?†Dani looked shocked, her velvet-dark eyes wide. Thea turned and walked quickly away. Stupid, stupid, she told herself. That was so dumb of you. You may not have to pretend to be playing with Eric in front of Blaise anymore-but in front of the other witches you’ve got to keep acting. She headed almost blindly for Eric’s locker, ignoring the people she passed. I’ve only been here a week. How can everything in my life have become so awful? I’m at war with Blaise; I’ve worked a forbidden spell; I don’t dare talk to Gran-and I’ve broken Night World law. â€Å"Thea! I was looking for you.†It was Eric’s voice. Warm, eager-everything that Thea wasn’t. She turned to see green eyes flecked with dancing gray and an astonishing smile. A smile that drew her in, changing the world. Maybe everything was going to be all right, after all. â€Å"I called you yesterday, but I just kept getting the machine.†Thea hadn’t even looked at the answering machine. â€Å"I’m sorry-there was a lot going on.†Eric looked so kind that she groped for something that had been going on that she could tell him about. â€Å"My grandmother’s been sick.†He sobered at once. â€Å"That’s terrible.†â€Å"Yes.†Thea fished in her backpack for the small herb pillow she’d put there this morning. Then she hesitated. â€Å"Eric†¦ is there somewhere we could go to talk alone? Just for a few minutes? I want to give you something.†He blinked, then waggled his eyebrows. â€Å"Nothing I’d like better. And I know just the place. Come on.†He led her across campus to a large building that stood apart from the rest of the complex. It had a shabby look and the paint on the double doors was blistered. A banner announced in orange and black letters: don’t miss the .ultimate Halloween party. â€Å"What is this?†Eric, who was opening the door, put a finger to his lips. He glanced inside, then beckoned to her. â€Å"It’s the old gym. They’re supposed to be renovating it as a student center, but there isn’t enough money.†He snorted. â€Å"Probably because they’re spending too much on renovating downtown. Now- what was it you wanted to give me?†â€Å"It†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Thea stopped dead as she took in her surroundings. All thoughts of the herb pillow vanished. â€Å"Eric-†¦Ã¢â‚¬ She stared around her, feeling a slow wave of sickness roil through her stomach. â€Å"Is this†¦ for the Halloween party?†. â€Å"Yeah. They do a couple fund-raisers a semester here. This is kind of a weird one-but they did it last year and it brought in a lot.†Not weird, Thea thought numbly. Weird doesn’t begin to describe it. Half the room was empty, just scuffed hardwood floor, a broken basketball backboard, and exposed pipes in the ceiling. But the other half looked like a cross between a medieval dungeon and a casino. She walked slowly toward it, her footsteps echoing. Wooden booths of various sizes were decorated with orange and black crepe paper and fake spider webs. Thea read one banner after another. â€Å"Fortune telling†¦ Drench a Wench†¦ Bobbing for Shrunken Heads?†â€Å"It’s bobbing for apples really,†Eric said, seeming embarrassed. â€Å"And the gambling isn’t real. You do it all with goblin money and exchange it for prizes.†Thea couldn’t stop looking at the booths. Wheel of Torture: a money wheel with a dummy dressed like a witch spreadeagled in the middle. Bloody Blackjack. Devil’s Darts†¦ a dart game with a cork witch as a target. And there were witch figures everywhere. Cloth witches on nooses hanging from the overhead pipes. Cardboard witches leering from the tops of booths. Paper witches dancing on the wall. They were fat, skinny, white-haired, gray-haired, cross-eyed, squint-eyed, warty, funny, scary†¦ and ugly. That was the one thing they all had in common. That’s what they think of us. Humans. All humans†¦ â€Å"Thea? Are you okay?†Thea whirled. â€Å"No, I am not okay.†She gestured around the room. â€Å"Will you look at this stuff? Do you really think it’s funny? Something to party about?†Hardly aware of what she was doing, she spun him around to face The Iron Maiden-a wooden replica with rubber spikes. â€Å"What are people going to do? Pay to step into that? Don’t they realize that it used to be real? That real people were put in it, and that when the door closed, those spikes went into them, into their arms and their stomachs and their eyes†¦Ã¢â‚¬ She couldn’t go on. Eric looked as stricken as Dani had earlier. He’d never seen her like this. â€Å"Thea-look, I’m sorry†¦ I never thought†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"Or that.†Thea gestured toward the Wheel of Torture, the words tumbling out. â€Å"Do you know how they really put a witch on the wheel? They broke every bone in her body so they could just thread her arms and legs through the spokes like spaghetti. Then they put the wheel on a pole and left her up there to die†¦.†Eric’s face contracted with horror. â€Å"God, Thea†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"And these pictures–the witches who got tortured didn’t have green skin and evil eyes. They weren’t monsters, and they didn’t have anything to do with devils. They were people.†Eric reached out for her, but she spun away, staring at a particularly ugly hag on the wall. â€Å"Do you think this place is all right for a party? That this is good fun? That witches look like that?†She flung out an arm, close to being hysterical. â€Å"Well, do you?†In her mind’s eye she could see the world: Dani and Blaise and all other witches on the left; Eric and the students here and all other humans on the right, both races hating and despising each other-and herself somewhere in the middle. Eric caught her shoulders. â€Å"No, I don’t think it’s all right. Thea, will you just listen to me for a second?†He was almost shaking her-but she could see that there were tears forming at the corners of his eyes. â€Å"I feel awful,†he said. â€Å"I never thought about taking this stuff seriously-and that’s my own stupid fault, and I know it’s not an excuse. But now that you say it, I do see how terrible it is, and I’m sorry. And I never should have brought you here, of all people†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Thea, who had been starting to relax, stiffened again. â€Å"Why me ‘of all people’?†she demanded. He hesitated a moment, then met her eyes and spoke quietly. â€Å"Because of your grandma’s store. I mean, I know it’s just herbs and positive thinking- but I also, know that in the old days, there would have been somebody out there pointing a finger and calling her a witch.†Thea relaxed again. It was okay for people to think Gran was a witch-if by â€Å"witch†they meant someone who talked to plants and mixed up homemade hair tonic. And she couldn’t disbelieve Eric, not under the intensity of those steady green eyes. But she saw an opportunity and seized it. â€Å"Yeah, and they’d probably have burned me for giving you this present,†she said, opening her hand. â€Å"And you’d probably have been scared or superstitious if I asked you to keep it with you all the time: you’d think I was putting some kind of a spell on you-â€Å" â€Å"I wouldn’t think anything,†he said firmly, taking the little green pillow from her. It smelled like fresh New Hampshire pine needles, which was what was in it-mainly. She’d also added a few protective herbs and an Ishtar crystal, a golden beryl in a star cut with thirty-three facets, carved with the name of the Babylonian mother goddess. The charm was the best she could do to help him fend off Blaise’s spells. â€Å"I would just kiss it and put it my pocket and never let it out of my sight,†Eric went on. And he did, stopping after the kiss to say, â€Å"Mm, smells good.†Thea couldn’t help smiling at him. She chanced saying, â€Å"Actually, it’s just to remind you of me.†â€Å"It will never leave my pocket,†he said solemnly. Well, that worked out nicely. â€Å"Look, there’s probably something we can do about this place,†Eric said, glancing around again. â€Å"The school board doesn’t want any bad publicity. Why don’t I run and borrow a camera from the journalism class, and we can take some pictures so people will see what we mean when we complain?†Thea glanced at her watch. â€Å"Why not? I think I’ve already missed French.†He grinned. â€Å"Back in a minute.†When he was gone, Thea wandered slowly among the silent booths, lost in her own thoughts. For a few minutes there, when I was ranting, I almost told him the truth. And then later I thought maybe he’d figured it all out for himself. And would that be so terrible? He’s already under sentence of death just because I love him; it doesn’t matter if he knows or not. But if he did know†¦ what would he say? Witches may be okay in the abstract-but does he really want one for a girlfriend? The only way to find out was to tell him. She leaned against a ladder and gazed sightlessly at an oilcloth lying beneath a hanging noose. Of course, it was probably all academic anyway. What kind of future could they possibly have†¦ ? Suddenly Thea realized what she was looking at. Underneath that oilcloth was a shoe-and the shoe was connected to something. Subconsciously, she’d been assuming it was another witch dummy†¦ but now she focused. And she felt the hairs on her arms lift and tingle. Why would they dress a witch in black Nike high-tops? How to cite Night World : Spellbinder Chapter 8, Essay examples
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Acts 1 and 2 of Romeo and Juliet Essay Example For Students
Acts 1 and 2 of Romeo and Juliet Essay Love is an important theme in Romeo and Juliet and is interpreted in many ways by the many different characters. After the prologue, which is filled with hints of the ending for the star-crossed lovers, the play opens with a scene between Sampson and Gregory who are two servants of the Capulet family. They are vulgar and crude, making many sexual references and innuendoes. They do not see love as involving emotions or desires, but as a purely physical thing, sexual not emotional. Sampson refers to women as weaker vessels and tells of how he will rape the maids of the Montague household. Neither of them appears to have ever experienced true love. They talk in a rude and coarse manner and objectify women. The opening helps the audience to contrast this vulgar image of love shown in a humorous context, to Romeo and Juliets sincere love for each other. This perception of love is also shared by the nurse and Mercutio, both who are comical characters. Mercutios humour is mostly offensive and insulting; he sees love as a pointless emotion. Mercutio teases Romeo from the start for being a lover. He believes that love is just an illusion, its made up in dreams by Queen Mab, he says she gallops night by night through lovers brains, and then they dream of love. The nurse uses similar bawdy language by way of, Go girl, seek happy nights to happy days. The nurse urges Juliet to get all of the pleasures out of love and she ensures Juliet and Romeo are able to marry and indulge in their sexual relationship. In this way, although there is long elaborate speech of true passionate love between Romeo and Juliet, there is also rude and coarse language which would have appealed to the lower-class audience. In the Elizabethan era, it was common for a young man to fall hopelessly in love with an unattainable beautiful woman, often with little chance of being loved back. This is how we first meet Romeo; he is very depressed and confused. However, you see many different attitudes towards love from Romeo; during each situation he is in, he reveals a different portrayal of love. Here he tells his cousin, Benvolio, of how he is in love with a woman, Rosaline, and speaks his love. This love feel I, that feel no love in this. Romeo speaks of how he does not enjoy being in love and that he sees it as a punishment, like being shut up in prison or like being whipped and tormented. He talks of love as being something he has to do, not something he feels. Benvolio believes that Romeo is not really in love, but that it is more of an infatuation. In his attempts to help Romeo overcome his obsession, Benvolio tells him to examine other beauties. Benvolio does not have a lot of belief in true love but merely in loving the beauty of women. In this scene, the audience see Romeo for the first time and they are exposed to a pathetic, depressed, miserable boy, who does not take pleasure in love, ay me sad hours seem long However the fact Shakespeare never reveals Rosaline to the audience adds mystery to Romeos obsession. This kind of love he feels for Rosaline did not tend to lead towards marriage, which was something else. Marriage often had nothing to do with love; it was arranged between families and was generally all to do with legal contracts, family, pride and wealth. This is shown by Juliets parents; Capulet is much older than Lady Capulet, who married when she was very young. Her mother learnt to love him after they married. This is also depicted in the scene when Paris asks Capulet for Juliets hand in marriage before he has even met her. Although Juliet is very young, Capulet still gives Juliet a choice of if she wants to be married and by this shows his affection for her. He refers to her as the hopeful lady of his earth and she calls him as good father. He believes marriage as a good thing but also states that love is preferable. He does also show his concern about Juliets age, .u9b784b54d5c0c6ae752ad99810e4a550 , .u9b784b54d5c0c6ae752ad99810e4a550 .postImageUrl , .u9b784b54d5c0c6ae752ad99810e4a550 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u9b784b54d5c0c6ae752ad99810e4a550 , .u9b784b54d5c0c6ae752ad99810e4a550:hover , .u9b784b54d5c0c6ae752ad99810e4a550:visited , .u9b784b54d5c0c6ae752ad99810e4a550:active { border:0!important; } .u9b784b54d5c0c6ae752ad99810e4a550 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u9b784b54d5c0c6ae752ad99810e4a550 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u9b784b54d5c0c6ae752ad99810e4a550:active , .u9b784b54d5c0c6ae752ad99810e4a550:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u9b784b54d5c0c6ae752ad99810e4a550 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u9b784b54d5c0c6ae752ad99810e4a550 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u9b784b54d5c0c6ae752ad99810e4a550 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u9b784b54d5c0c6ae752ad99810e4a550 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u9b784b54d5c0c6ae752ad99810e4a550:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u9b784b54d5c0c6ae752ad99810e4a550 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u9b784b54d5c0c6ae752ad99810e4a550 .u9b784b54d5c0c6ae752ad99810e4a550-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u9b784b54d5c0c6ae752ad99810e4a550:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Romeo diary EssayShe hath not seen the change of fourteen years, Let two more summers wither in their pride, Ere we may think her ripe to be a bride. Yet Paris states that women younger than Juliet are already made mothers, a thought shared also with Lady Capulet, Well, think of marriage now; younger than you, Here in Verona, ladies of esteem, Are made already mothers: by my count. She feels marriage is more important than love as well, So shall you share all that he doth possess, By having him, making yourself no less. She implies that marriage a necessity and it is what women are made for. Lady Capulet also recites a long elaborate speech full of comparisons of Paris face and love being like a book, Read oer the volume of young Paris face, This precious book of love, this unbound lover This speech starts with the assumption that because Paris is a man of wax, Juliet should be very excited to be given the chance to marry him and should immediately be attracted to him. However, Lady Capulet soon gets irritated when Juliet shows no signs of interest; she hurries Juliet, asking her of her feelings towards this, Speak briefly, can you like of Paris love? Juliet answers in such a way that keeps her parents happy, Ill look to like, if looking liking move, She says that she will look forward to liking him, if by looking at him can lead her to liking him. As she is so young, her answer seems acceptable as her mother does not question her further. Lady Capulets scene with Juliet is not normally how a mother addresses her daughter or how a daughter addresses her mother. Their dialogue seems very formal and polite, Madam, I am here. What is your will? This depicts the distance between Juliet and her mother; instead of saying mother, she says madam. However, this gap between them is filled by the nurse. The nurse effectively acts as Juliets substitute mother and it is her, who Juliet confides in and trusts. When Romeo first meets Juliet, the insincerity of his love for Rosaline is exposed and he suddenly realises it, Did my heart love till now? forswear it, sight! For I neer saw true beauty till this night. He speaks of how his love for Rosaline was not true and pure, like the love he now feels for Juliet. His attitude towards love changes as suddenly as his change of heart. Romeos feelings sound more genuine in speeches about Juliet than of Rosaline which was much more exaggerated. He wants to be with Juliet all the time, and he is continually comparing her to a saint and the light that can brighten up anything. O, she doth teach the torches to burn bright! O, then, dear saint, O, speak again, bright angel! In the sonnet shared by Romeo and Juliet, the interpretation of love is shown as religion. There are many references to saints, pilgrims, shrines, holy, prayers, faith and devotion. This is an obvious contrast to how he felt when he was in love with Rosaline. Juliet seems very playful in her language with Romeo but she also feels the same way as she refers to him as her only love. In their scene at the balcony, Romeo now feels love as being a power in which he can with loves light wings fly over the high walls surrounding the Capulet mansion. When Juliet asks Romeo how he knew which room was hers, Romeo replied, By love that first did prompt me to inquire; He lent me counsel, and I lent him eyes. This means that love led him to her balcony. Juliet, in this scene, seems much more mature than Romeo and speaks in a much more serious tone; Romeo speaks using elaborate and indirect language, .u06c45f28c36dd3c4b43a3c2f01ffeb7f , .u06c45f28c36dd3c4b43a3c2f01ffeb7f .postImageUrl , .u06c45f28c36dd3c4b43a3c2f01ffeb7f .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u06c45f28c36dd3c4b43a3c2f01ffeb7f , .u06c45f28c36dd3c4b43a3c2f01ffeb7f:hover , .u06c45f28c36dd3c4b43a3c2f01ffeb7f:visited , .u06c45f28c36dd3c4b43a3c2f01ffeb7f:active { border:0!important; } .u06c45f28c36dd3c4b43a3c2f01ffeb7f .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u06c45f28c36dd3c4b43a3c2f01ffeb7f { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u06c45f28c36dd3c4b43a3c2f01ffeb7f:active , .u06c45f28c36dd3c4b43a3c2f01ffeb7f:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u06c45f28c36dd3c4b43a3c2f01ffeb7f .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u06c45f28c36dd3c4b43a3c2f01ffeb7f .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u06c45f28c36dd3c4b43a3c2f01ffeb7f .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u06c45f28c36dd3c4b43a3c2f01ffeb7f .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u06c45f28c36dd3c4b43a3c2f01ffeb7f:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u06c45f28c36dd3c4b43a3c2f01ffeb7f .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u06c45f28c36dd3c4b43a3c2f01ffeb7f .u06c45f28c36dd3c4b43a3c2f01ffeb7f-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u06c45f28c36dd3c4b43a3c2f01ffeb7f:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Desdemona: the Modern Woman in the Classic Play EssayIt is my soul that calls upon my name: How silver-sweet sound lovers tongues by night, Like softest music to attending ears! Juliet does not like his theatrical speech, instead she gradually tears Romeo away from this artificial language in which he used with Rosaline. Juliet speaks of love as being eternal and sacred, My love as deep; the more I give to thee, The more I have, for both are infinite. She believes in their love so much that she accepts to marry him, the only son of her parents sworn enemy, even though Paris had offered to marry her. Friar Lawrence acts as Romeos substitute father and looks after him throughout Romeos relationship with Juliet. He agrees to marry them thinking it will unite their families but still feels it is still a risk, Wisely and slow; they stumble that run fast. When the Friar remarks on how quickly he falls in love, Romeo replies by saying that there is a difference between his old love and his new one, Her I love now Doth grace for grace and love for love allow. The other did not so. This is another example of how Romeo is truly in love with Juliet. The friar is similar to the role of the nurse towards Juliet as they both look after and advise the young lovers. In conclusion, there are many forms of love; parental love, marital love and physical love. I believe that Romeo and Juliet contains the right balance of each different aspect of love. The humorous bawdy language of Mercutio and the nurse provide a break from all the ominous reminders of the tragic ending and the elaborate, fancy dialogue of Romeo and Juliet. These crude parts of the play would also have appealed to the lower class and less cultured members of the Elizabethan audience. All in all, the theme of love is well presented in many different ways by many characters.
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